Series: How NOT to be the Church Part 2: Fruitlessness

Texts: Matthew 21:33-36; 25:14-30

 Preacher: Pastor Chris Fuller

Reflection Questions

  1. When you think of fruit, what comes to mind?

  2. Imagine you walked into the produce department at the grocery store and all the fruit was scarce or rotten, how do you think that would make you feel about that store?  What might we learn from that about how God feels about a fruitless Church?

  3. What are the things that you see that prevents others from producing good spiritual fruit in their lives?

  4. What are the things that prevent you from producing fruit in your life?

  5. Read John 15:1-8; What is God saying to you about the source of spiritual fruit?  In this passage, what is the purpose of producing fruit?

  6. In the parable of the talents (aka bags of gold—Matthew 25:14-30), Jesus teaches the importance of stewarding the resources and abilities that we each have to produce more.  In verse 29 Jesus says “For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance.  Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.”  What do you think this means for us as the Church?

  7. How have you seen this principle play out in the world?

  8. What are some examples of where you see people using their talents (skills & resources) effectively in the Church’s ministry?

  9. Where are some areas that you recognize there is a need for others to step up and use their talents?

  10. How might the Holy Spirit be inviting you step out and invest your talents to produce even more in the Kingdom of God?

Week 2: Daily Scripture Reading on Fruitlessness

Reflection Question: What is one thing I can do in faith to decrease fruitlessness and increase fruitfulness in me, my home and church?  

Sunday: Matthew 21:33-46, Psalm 80:7-15

Monday: Isaiah 5:1-7, Philippians 3:4-9

Tuesday: John 15:1-4, Philippians 3:10-16

Wednesday: John 15:5-8, Galatians 5:13-21

Thursday: John 15:9-17, Galatians 5:22-26

Friday: Mark 11:12-25, Psalm 1

Saturday: Revelation 2:1-7, Jeremiah 17:7-8


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Series: How Not To Be The Church Sermon Title: Be Inattentive


Series: How Not to be the Church Title:We Walk, God Runs