Series: Just Mercy Part 3: God’s Economy – Take Risks

Sermon Text: Matthew 25:14-30 (The Parable of the Talents)

Preacher: Tabitha Martin

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 God has his own economy 

The Quick Summary of Matthew 25

  1. Be ready (25:1-13)

  2. Steward Well (25:14-30)

  3. Know that God is Just and Will Judge (25:31-46)

 The question from Matthew 25: Are we stewarding well in the waiting?

 Five Observations from the parable of the talents

  1. The three stewards in the parable of 25:14-20 were given talents according to their abilities and given jobs for the kingdom

  2. Two stewards take the investment risk for the gain of the kingdom

  3. One steward doesn’t want to mess anything up, so he does nothing 

  4. The main difference between the first two and the third? The first two lived in the full identity of their master. They KNEW him.

  5. The Master holds the justice 

 So what should we not do?

  1. Don’t Compete

  2. Don’t wait

  3. Don’t live in fear

 And what should we do?

  1. Take the risk

  2. Know your master

  3. Run to relationships

  4. Dance upon injustice and let God handle the rest

 Are we stewarding well in the waiting?

 Sermon Reflection Questions: 

  1. Read Matthew 25:14-15 and then silently meditate on those images.

  2. What are your favorite gifts that God has given you (think about talents, resources, relationships, strengths, etc)?

  3. Read Matthew 25:14-30. What stands out to you about the Master? How does this help us understand who God is?

  4. Which characteristic of God shown in this parable do you think people in your world need to understand most? Why?

  5. What are the differences between the first two servants and the third? Which servant do you relate to more? Why?

  6. How does Matthew 23:14-30 connect with Micah 6:8, our theme verse for the series?

  7. Explore: Pastor Tabitha challenged us to 1) Take the risk, 2) Know your master, 3) Run to relationships and 4) Dance upon injustice and let God handle the rest. Which of those four do you sense God nudging you towards? In what way?

  8. Pray: Take time to pray for the three emphases from our Just Mercy Series: 1) Good News Jail and Prison Ministries, 2) Keystone Family Alliance and Foster Care Kids and Families, 3) Nursing Home Blessings.


Series:Heaven Came Down Title: Hope


Series: Just Mercy Part 2: Let Justice Roll