Series: How Not to be the Church Title: Unlove

Reflection Questions

1.  We discussed five dysfunctions of an unhealthy church this month: unrepentant, fruitLESSness, inattentive, hypocrisy, and unloving.  Which one has resonated with you the most?  Do you feel the Holy Spirit working in you to improve in one of these dysfunctions? 

2. Jesus IN: How deep is your love for God? Are all of our motivations, plans for the future, and plans for this week based first on our love for God?  Is He first in our thoughts and actions?  

3. Do you find yourself reading Scripture more than Praying (or vice versa)? What is the importance of allowing this to be balanced to help you grow deeper in your relationship with God? 

4. Jesus OUT: Once we have experienced Jesus, who is love, we are able to live HIs love out in our lives. What would living Jesus' love look like within our church family? Your home? Your workplace? Your community? Name specific ways that you can daily live out Jesus' love.  

5. How can we show Jesus' love within our church walls on a Sunday? What can we specifically do to ensure that every person who enters our building feels the love of Jesus? 

6. Jesus IN- Jesus OUT- By loving Jesus and loving others, we are fulfilling the greatest commandments. In doing so, we are also living in communion the way we were created to live. We were created for relationships, and we can love others because Jesus loved us first. His love was an action as He sacrificed His life for us on the cross. We are given the gift of Salvation but also the gift of Communion. A time for us to come together as Christ's children, remember the gift of salvation, and participate in this sacrament. When you come to the Communion Table, what has been your experience? What are some unique ways that you commune with Jesus while taking the elements? Do you use the prayer suggestions that were offered today: Thankful prayer, Repentance prayer, and Commitment prayer?

Weekly Reflection Question: What is one thing I can do in faith To decrease unlove and increase love In me, my home and church?

Week 5: Daily Scripture Reading on Unlove

Sunday: Matthew 22:37-40, Psalm 136

Monday: Leviticus 19:1-2 (15-18), 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8

Tuesday: Luke 10:25-37, Ephesians 5:1-2

Wednesday: John 8:1-11, Psalm 86

Thursday: Romans 13:8-10, Revelation 3:7-13

Friday: Colossians 3:12-14, Nehemiah 9:17

Saturday: 1 Corinthians 13, Psalm 100


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Series: Just Mercy Part 1: Embrace Justice 


Sermon Series: How Not To Be The Church Sermon Title: Be Hypocritical