Sermon Series: How Not To Be The Church Sermon Title: Be Hypocritical

Sermon Text: Matthew 22:15-22 

Sermon Summary:

Within this genius response to the Pharisees, Jesus exposes their hypocrisy. He calls them hypocrite and reminds them of the truth: they are made in God’s image and were made to be devoted to Him. They were hypocrites in this story because they were trying to appear pious with their question but actually attempting to trap Jesus. They put on a show of caring, but only for the attention of the crowds. The church is called to remember who we are, not to try to be someone we are not. The Pharisees believed the lie that they had to prove themselves, and they became a lie. Jesus invites us to believe the truth that we are made in God’s image to represent Him in this world. The way out of hypocrisy is to believe and live this truth.  

Message Reflection Questions 

  1. Read Philippians 4:8-9. Pause for 2 minutes to meditate on this.

  2. Define hypocrisy. Now read Matthew 23:1-7 and define it according to Jesus. Why is this NOT the way to be the church?

  3. Read Matthew 22:15-22. Compare Jesus and the Pharisees. How does Jesus illustrate an authentic life while the Pharisees illustrate a hypocritical life?

  4. In Jesus’ response to the Pharisees’ inquisition, he playfully reminds them that the coin is in Caesar’s image and should go to Caesar, and then implies that what is in God’s image is to be given back to God. How does remembering that we are made in God’s image help us not be hypocritical? How can we totally give back “to God what is God’s”?

  5. Now read Jesus’ words on hypocrisy in Matthew 23:23-26. What is Jesus’ proposed solution to hypocrisy?

  6. In Matthew 22:18, Jesus “knew their evil intent.” Is it comforting or convicting that Jesus can perceive our thoughts and intentions? 

  7. Out of the areas we talked about today, what is one area where you want to be more authentic and less hypocritical? 

  8. Consider Matthew 22:23, 23:11, 23:26 and ask yourself: What is one step you can take this week to do address the previous question?

  9. Prayer Time: take a few moments to ask God for strength and grace to take steps away from hypocrisy and towards authentic living.

 Daily Readings

It’s our fourth week of How Not To Be The Church readings! You can download the whole plan at  

Here are this weeks reading: 

Sunday: Matthew 22:15-22, Titus 1:16

Monday: Matthew 7:15-20, Proverbs 26:20-22

Tuesday: Matthew 7:21-27, Proverbs 26:23-28

Wednesday: Matthew 23:1-12, Psalm 96:1-9

Thursday: Matthew 23:13-24, Ezekiel 33:30-32

Friday: Matthew 23:25-32, Luke 18:9-14

Saturday: Matthew 23:33-39, Luke 18:15-17 


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Series: How Not to be the Church Title: Unlove


Series: How Not To Be The Church Sermon Title: Be Inattentive