Series: Meet Me In The Garden Part 3: Lord, Have Mercy

Sermon Text: Luke 18:9-14 

Reflection Questions: 

  1. Read Psalm 4:1. Pause and meditate on that for 2 minutes before continuing.

  2. Read Luke 18:9-14. What do you think was Jesus’ motivation in telling this parable?

  3. Describe the differences between the Pharisee and tax collector in the parable.

  4. This parable is a word of judgment towards those of us who take pride in our own efforts and look down on others. How is it also a word of mercy?

  5. Read Luke 18:35-42. What do the tax collector and beggar have in common that we can apply in our lives?

  6. Read Romans 3:23-24. What does justification by faith have to do with the pattern for prayer seen in Luke 18?

  7. Reflect for a moment: What habit or attitude is God inviting you to do in your prayer life with Him? 

  8. Close in prayer. Name areas of your life where you need God’s grace and mercy. Use the Jesus prayer (a combo of Luke 18:13 and 18:38), “Lord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” 

Daily Reading

For our “Meet Me in the Garden” series, we will be reading through the gospel of Luke. In each chapter, we will see God revealing Himself through His Son Jesus. Meet Him in the garden and learn from Him as you read these texts. 

Sunday: Luke 18:9-14

Monday: Luke 13

Tuesday: Luke 14

Wednesday: Luke 15

Thursday: Luke 16

Friday: Luke 17

Saturday: Luke 18


Series: Meet Me In The Garden Part 4:Prayer As A Lifestyle


Series: Meet Me In The Garden Part 2: Persistent Prayer: Will Jesus Find Faith on Earth When He Returns?