Series: Meet Me In The Garden Part 5: Lord, teach us to pray

Sermon Text: Luke 11:1-13


Reflection Questions:

  1. Open by reading Luke 11:2-4. Be silent for 2 minutes and meditate on one of the lines of that prayer allowing God to speak to you through that line.

  2. Do you have any questions or doubts regarding prayer? What are they?

  3. Read Jesus’ teaching on prayer in Luke 11:1-13. What comforts or challenges you in this?

  4. Jesus was caught in the act of ‘praying in a certain place’ (Luke 11:1). What does this tell you about Jesus’ method of discipleship and what can we learn from that?

  5. What is the value of beginning prayer by recognizing God as “Father” and praying “Your Kingdom Come”?

  6. How do the three requests in 11:3-4 cover the most important requests and needs that we have in our lives?

  7. In Luke 11:9-10, Jesus was essentially telling his disciples to keep on asking and don’t stop seeking. What distractions can you minimize or eliminate in order to increase your persistence in prayer?

  8. What comfort does Jesus’ instruction on prayer provide to someone who might be struggling with feeling like their prayers are unanswered or like there is no point to praying? 

  9. Close in prayer. Choose a line from the Lord’s Prayer that you want to focus on this week.


Daily Reading

For the two weeks around our Vision Sunday (February 4), we will revisit Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. 

Sunday: Luke 11:1-13

Monday: Ephesians 1

Tuesday: Ephesians 2

Wednesday: Ephesians 3

Thursday: Ephesians 4

Friday: Ephesians 5

Saturday: Ephesians 6


Vision Sunday Sermon Title: Get Radical


Series: Meet Me In The Garden Part 4:Prayer As A Lifestyle